Doing Business with the City

Santa Rosa CityBus is a department of the City of Santa Rosa. All business conducted with CityBus is done under the purview of the City’s Purchasing Department. For information on how the City works with businesses, currently open requests for services, and all other items related the City’s purchasing rules click the link below.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

In keeping with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part 26 (Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Programs), an overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal has been developed for DBE participation in DOT‐assisted contracting by the City of Santa Rosa Transit Division during Fiscal Year 2023 through Fiscal Year 2025. 
The City of Santa Rosa Transit Division receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of U.S. Department of Transportation. The City of Santa Rosa Transit Division’s overall DBE goal for 2023-2025 is 6.45% of the federal financial assistance we will expend in FTA‐assisted contracts, exclusive of FTA funds to be used for the purchase of transit vehicles.

This DBE goal identifies the relative availability of DBEs based on evidence of ready, willing and able DBEs in relationship to all comparable businesses which are known to be available to compete in the Transit Division’s FTA-assisted contracts.

The City of Santa Rosa’s Transit Division is part of the Business Outreach Committee (BOC), a consortium of Bay Area transit and transportation agencies working together to assist Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Small Business Enterprises (SBEs).

Useful Documents