Online Pass Sales
Regular bus passes/tickets and paratransit tickets are available for sale online. Orders are processed within 1-2 business days and are shipped via US Postal Service. Once shipped orders typically arrive within 2-3 business days. Questions about the Online Ticket Store should be directed to Transit staff at 707-543-3333.
Paratransit Passengers are expected to pay the full $3.00 fare for every one-way trip. The fare for a one-way trip within Santa Rosa Paratransit is double the current adult fixed-route fare. Fare can be paid on-line (in virtual or paper form) or at time of boarding with cash (keep in mind drivers do not carry change) or check. Rider’s purchase tickets in blocks of 10. The “virtual tickets” are available to use on the next business day after noon. The paper tickets take 4-6 days to arrive in the mail and lost tickets may not be able to be replaced. In addition to purchasing online with a credit card by clicking below, you can purchase tickets over the phone at (707) 543-3333 or TTY Relay 711 or by visiting the kiosk at the Transit Mall on Santa Rosa Ave. at Second Street with cash, credit or check.
In-Person Pass Sales
Riders can purchase passes, tickets, and paratransit tickets in-person at the customer service kiosk located in the Downtown Transit Mall. Open Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 12:30PM, and again from 1:00PM – 4:30PM. Passes can also be purchased at the following locations: