Eligible Paratransit Users

If you are an eligible user of the ADA paratransit service, the following links will help you use the service efficiently as possible. You are considered an “eligible user” if you have completed your eligibility application and received your Paratransit ID card in the mail. Visitors to the Santa Rosa service area are also considered “eligible” if eligible within their home service area. If you are looking for information on eligibility, click here to go to our page on eligibility. We encourage all new users of ADA Paratransit to read through the User Guide before using the system for the first time.

The User Guide is your one stop shop for all thing ADA Paratransit. The guide will provide you with information on how to use the system and what to expect when you make your trip.

Passengers pay a $3.00 fare for every one-way trip. Fares can be paid online (in virtual or paper form), at time of boarding with cash (keep in mind drivers do not carry change), or check.

Call to request a trip at (707) 546-1999 or TTY Relay: 711.

NEW Online self-booking/cancelling available through Online Customer Portal (link below). You must first call (707) 546-1999 to be registered before using the online portal.

You can request your reservation over the phone 8:00AM and 5:00PM Monday through Saturday, and between 9:00AM and 3:00PM on Sundays. Trips are available for you to reserve Monday through Saturday as early as 6:00AM and as late as 8:00PM. On Sunday you can reserve trips as early as 9:00AM and as late as 5:30 PM.

NEW real-time email, voice or text notifications available for confirmations, reminders and estimated arrival of paratransit trips.  Call (707) 546-1999 to be registered.