Code of Conduct

In order to provide a high-quality public transit service for the diverse and vibrant community that uses Santa Rosa CityBus to meet their transportation needs, the City of Santa Rosa expects safe, courteous, and respectful behavior from our staff and patrons.  The City has established this Customer Code of Conduct to promote the safety, security, comfort, and convenience of all those who use Santa Rosa CityBus, and to ensure that any one person may not adversely affect others using or operating the Santa Rosa CityBus system. Members of the public are expected to follow this Code of Conduct on all Santa Rosa CityBus vehicles and at transit stops and facilities.  The City of Santa Rosa reserves the right to modify and amend this Code of Conduct at any time.

A person is prohibited from committing the following acts onboard Santa Rosa CityBus vehicles and at any CityBus bus stop or facility:

  1.  Littering.
  2. Smoking tobacco or cannabis products, including using e-cigarettes and vaporizers.
  3. Possessing or consuming illegal drugs or alcohol.
  4. Violating CityBus rules related to food and drink onboard buses.
  5. Listening to music or media devices without headphones or earbuds or using the “speaker” setting during phone conversations.
  6. Carrying or possessing a weapon or other object that can be reasonably considered by CityBus staff to be a threat to safety.
  7. Carrying any explosive, acid, flammable liquid, or toxic or hazardous material.
  8. Throwing any object from or inside the bus or in transit facilities.
  9. Taking any animal onto buses or into transit facilities unless the animal is secured in a carrier that was designed for the purpose of transporting the animal. Exceptions will be made for service animals. 
  10. Opening or tampering with emergency windows or any emergency equipment, except during an emergency.
  11. Damaging or defacing the vehicle, transit property, or the property of other passengers.
  12.  Spitting, urinating, defecating, or creating unsanitary conditions through the presence of blood, urine, feces, vomit, or other bodily fluids.
  13. Interfering with provision or use of transportation services (e.g., blocking the progress of a transit vehicle, disturbing the bus operator, failing to properly board or alight, preventing riders from safely accessing or using transit stops or facilities).
  14.  Using threatening, vulgar or abusive language toward transit system personnel or passengers, including use of profanity, slurs, or intimidation.
  15. Threatening, harming, harassing, or assaulting transit system personnel or customers.
  16. Making inappropriate physical contact of any kind with transit system personnel or passengers.
  17. Any criminal conduct prohibited by the California Penal Code.

In addition to the above, passengers onboard Santa Rosa CityBus vehicles and in CityBus facilities are asked to abide by several basic rules to ensure the safety and comfort of the CityBus system, including wearing appropriate clothing (including but not limited to shoes and a shirt or other upper body covering), keeping aisles and boarding/alighting areas free of obstruction, and yielding priority seating at the front of the bus to older adults and people with disabilities.