There are specific eligibility requirements to use Santa Rosa’s ADA Paratransit service. To apply for eligibility you must fully complete and return the APPLICATION FOR ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICES WITHIN SONOMA COUNTY.

Please note, if more information is necessary to make an eligibility determination, an in-person or over the phone interview, contact with your health professional, and/or request that you have a licensed professional complete the Medical Verification form may be required.  Although not required to apply, Medical Verification from a licensed professional may assist in determining your eligibility and may be submitted at the time of application.

To be eligible for ADA paratransit, an individual must have limited ability to use regular fixed route public transit because of a physical or cognitive impairment.

A written notice must be sent to you within 21 days of your completed application concerning your eligibility.  If you have not received a letter within this time frame, please call the City of Santa Rosa Transit office at 707-543-3333 or our evaluation contractor
C.A.R.E Evaluators at 707-541-7180