Wheelchair Lifts

All Santa Rosa CityBus buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts buses that have a “kneeling feature” to  make boarding easier. Any passenger may request to use the lift or kneeling feature on the bus. Persons requiring special assistance are encouraged to arrange for a companion to ride with them. CityBus provides training in boarding, exiting, and wheelchair securement procedures on buses. Please contact Yuri Koslen, Transit Planner at 707-543-3335 or via email at ykoslen@srcity.org, to schedule an appointment.

Before boarding, please have your fare and identification ready. If you cannot reach the farebox or have difficulty handling money, we recommend that you get an RTC Clipper card to pay your fare. Clipper card readers are located at the front and rear doors of the bus. When you board, tell the driver your destination and if you would like your stop announced. While on the lift platform, brakes on wheelchairs should always be locked and chair power turned off. If the operator is unable to secure your wheelchair, you have the option of waiting for the next bus.            

Priority Seating

Certain seats on the bus are designated as priority seating for passengers with disabilities and for seniors. The bus driver may ask a non-disabled passenger who is occupying a priority seat to move if a passenger with disabilities or a senior boards. Priority seats located in wheelchair securement areas MUST be relinquished. Passenger cooperation in honoring such requests is appreciated.

Bus Stop Announcements

The Department of Transportation (DOT) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations in 49 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) sections 37.167(b) and (c) require that stop announcements must be made on fixed route systems. Therefore, announcements will be made at transfer points with other fixed routes, major intersections, and destination points, and intervals along a route to permit individuals with visual impairments or other disabilities to be oriented to their location. On request of an individual with a disability, any stop will be announced. Announcements will also be made to help an individual with a visual impairment or other disability to identify the proper vehicle to enter or be identified to the vehicle operator as a person seeking a ride on a particular route.